Why do we have this?

We have an ambitious mission and expect high performance. In return, we pay Jurors above the market median.

Our pay framework gives you visibility into how we decide what to pay and what opportunities you have to discuss your pay.

Table of contents

Who does what?

Driver Owns salary bands and makes pay decisions ELT (can delegate to MNs)
Approver Signs off on changes to salary bands or pay ELT
Contributor(s) Gives input on salary bands and pay as needed P&T
Informed Is kept in the loop about changes to their pay Jurors

What does pay mean at Juro?

Pay is the ****money you earn for your work based on what your skills are worth ****in the job market.

That means pay is the monetary value your labour can command in an industry, economy, country etc.

What is and isn’t part of pay?

At Juro, pay can have up to 3 components that differ in their timescale and whether or not they form part of an employment contract:

Component Who gets this Reward timescale Part of an employment contract? Source of truth
Base salary All employees (Bi-*)monthly Yes This page
Bonus / commission Some employees (e.g. Sales) Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly No, incentive structures are discretionary Notion teamspaces (e.g. ‣)
Equity All employees Multi-year No, share option grants are issued separately

** In the US, paychecks are issued every two weeks rather than every month.*

Companies often include more components of pay but for the purposes of this framework, we keep it simple and treat them separately. These are things like: