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Help us help the world agree faster.

Juro has big ambitions: to become the go-to platform for agreeing and managing contracts globally. And we'll need help doing it**.**

Legal tech is on the rise, with Goldman Sachs estimating that 44% of legal tasks can be automated with generative AI. With the brand we have built and the agility of early stage we are well placed to capture this opportunity.

The key bits

The challenge

At Juro, we’re building two products at the same time: the Juro platform and the company itself.

The People & Talent team’s mission is to help Juro grow faster by powering that second product, which is fundamentally a deal between employee and employer — also known as the employee value proposition. It’s this deal we attract people to (Talent) and continuously build and reinforce (People).

The employee-employer deal is a give-get pact.

The employee-employer deal is a give-get pact.

Inside the People team, each person prioritises one of two skillsets: building or advising.

While both paths need to also be skilled in the other discipline, the focus of your work is 80% on your chosen discipline.

Our People Operations Generalist Abigail specialises in building — we’re now looking for an advisor whose main focus is to enable managers in making their teams ever more successful:

Career path Builder Advisor
Starts from level IC3 IC3
Job title People Operations Specialist People Partner
Equivalent Product Manager Customer Success Manager
Mission To increase the value of Juro’s employee-employer deal by building new and refining existing features To reinforce Juro’s employee-employer deal by enabling managers in making their teams more successful
Who’s in the team today Abigail (People Ops Generalist) 👋 This could be you! 👋

Success as a People Partner at Juro means:

Outcome This means… Success = Focus
Strengthen Juro’s central management layer → Ensure people managers are enabled to deliver what they’re expected to via monthly 1:1 check-ins
→ Expand our manager playbook
→ Drive the monthly manager forum
→ Any ad hoc training that adds value → Team health score
→ Manager forum rating
Contribute to projects that improve on our employee-employer deal → This could be projects on performance, comp, ben, flexibility, growth, social, DEI, org principles, … We define success criteria on a project basis in our roadmap 20%