Why do we have this?

We care about 2 things when it comes to performance:

  1. Results
  2. Enabling Jurors to deliver those results

To enable Jurors to deliver results, we must be crystal-clear about what good looks like and how we measure and enable exceptional performance.

Table of contents

Who does what?

Driver Evaluates performance continuously and runs retros MNs
Approver Signs off on key performance decisions ELT
Contributor(s) Gives input on performance management as needed P&T
Informed Has regular conversations about their performance Jurors

How do we define performance?

At Juro, performance means: How do you meet the expectations of your job description (JD)?

JDs vary for each role but always contain the same 5 elements:

Job title Depending on level (e.g. associate, senior, staff)
Mission Why this role exists at Juro
Outcomes What success looks like for this role
Responsibilities How to achieve those outcomes
Behaviours ‣ are a core requirement for every Juror to follow

JDs for each role are documented under ‣.

This is still a startup so expect some JDs to be work-in-progress or get updated over time. Your manager will tell you if your JD changes.

How do we measure performance?