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Help us help the world agree faster.
Juro has big ambitions: to become the go-to platform for agreeing and managing contracts globally. And we'll need help doing it**.**
Legal tech is on the rise, with Goldman Sachs estimating that 44% of legal tasks can be automated with generative AI. With the brand we have built and the agility of early stage we are well placed to capture this opportunity.
Companies in the Americas region represent 40% of our customers — and growing. So we’ve opened a US headquarters in Boston to serve existing customers and accelerate growth. We’re hiring multiple roles locally (like this one), as well as moving UK staff to Boston.
We've also experienced top-tier growth at Juro — doubling our revenue in 2022, achieving solid growth in what was a challenging market in 2023 and really accelerating again in 2024.
To keep accelerating in 2025, we’re building an Account Executive team in the US.
Your role is to empower and drive new business growth at Juro. That means: